Iterators and Pointers¶
- Version
- lin
- 2023-01-11
- learning iterators and pointers
- review
- How to access container elements
- Accessing objects by address
All containers are collections of objects…
● So how do we access those objects?
What if we want to print out everything in a vector?
Or loop until we find a certain object in a set?
● How is this done in the STL?
- We’d like to have a for-loop, probably!
● What would that look like?
Containers all implement something called an iterator to do this!
● Containers all implement something called an iterator to do this!
Iterators let you access all data in containers programmatically!
An iterator has a certain order; it “knows” what element will come next
- Not necessarily the same each time you iterate!
Think of your container as a file cabinet!
● An iterator lets you go through the files one at a time!
You can see where the front and back of your drawer are.
You can move your finger from one to the next,because you kept your place.
You can take out any file you’ve your hand on, and read/write whatever you’d like in it.
You can compare the relative location of any two files just by looking at where they are in the cabinet.
对于栈(后进先出,LIFO),你只能访问位于顶部的元素。要获取栈里的下一个元素,你需要先用 pop() 方法移除当前的顶部元素。这改变了栈的内容,因为它丢失了一个元素。
对于队列(先进先出,FIFO),情况类似。你只能访问位于队列前端的元素,并通过 pop() 方法从队列中移除该元素以访问后面的元素。
"Iteration with iterators is const" 这句话可能是指当使用常量迭代器(const_iterator)进行遍历时,迭代操作保持了容器内容的不变性。换句话说,通过常量迭代器进行迭代只允许你读取容器中的元素,而不允许修改它们。
Why not iter++; ? There’s a difference in when the value is returned!
● iter++ returns the value before being incremented.
● ++iter returns the value after being incremented.
Using an iterator, we already have the previous value! It’s slightly more inefficient to use iter++;
当使用迭代器进行遍历时(比如在 for 循环中),通常推荐使用前置递增 ++iter。原因如下:
效率:后置递增 iter++ 需要保留迭代器递增前的副本,因为需要返回它。即使这个副本在大多数情况下不会被用到,创建它仍然可能导致额外的开销。在某些情况下,这种开销是可以忽略的,但对于复杂的迭代器类型或者性能敏感的应用程序来说,这可能成为效率的瓶颈。
习惯:++iter 更符合迭代器遍历容器时的“增加后立即使用”模式。这种方式也更符合 C++ 编程中追求效率的传统。
在 C++ 中,后置递增操作 iter++ 的工作方式可以分为三个步骤:
复制:创建一个与当前迭代器 iter 相同的新迭代器副本。这个副本保留了递增操作之前的状态,即它指向当前元素的位置。
递增:更新原始迭代器 iter 的状态,使其指向下一个元素。
返回:返回步骤 1 中创建的副本,即递增之前的迭代器状态。
If we have a map, we can use structured binding to be more efficient while dereferencing!
std::map<int, int> map{{1, 6}, {2, 8}, {0, 3}, {3,9}};
for(auto iter = map.begin(); iter != map.end(); iter++) {
const auto& [key, value] = *iter; // structured binding!
Iterators are a particular type of pointer!¶
● Iterators “point” at particular elements in a container.
● Pointers can “point” at any objects in your code!
Pointers are marked by the asterisk (*) next to the type of the object they’re pointing at when they’re declared.
The address of a variable can be accessed by using & before its name, same as when passing by reference!
If you want to access the data stored at a pointer’s address, dereference it using an asterisk again.
std::cout >> *ptr >> std::endl;
What if the object has member variables?¶
If we need to access a pointer’s object’s member variables, instead of dereferencing (*ptr) and then accessing (.var), there’s a shorthand!
*ptr.var == ptr->var
What’s the difference?¶
● Iterators are a type of pointer!
● Iterators have to point to elements in a container, but pointers can point to any object!
○ Why is this? All objects stored inside the big container known as memory!
● Can access memory addresses with & and the data at an address/pointer using *