- Version
- Lin
- 2023-01-08
- learning Streams
- review
- What are streams?
- Output streams
- Input streams
- String streams!
What are streams?¶
:an abstraction for input/output. Streams convert between data and the string representation of data.
is an output stream. It has type std::ostream
Two ways to classify streams¶
Output Streams?¶
1.Output Streams
Have type
You can only send data to the stream
Interact with the stream using the << operator
Converts any type into string and sends it to the stream
is the output stream that goes to the console
std::cout << 5 << std::endl;
// converts int value 5 to string “5”
// sends “5” to the console output stream
2.Output File Streams
Have type
You can only send data to file using the << operator
- Converts data of any type into a string and sends it to the file stream
Must initialize your own ofstream object linked to your file
std::ofstream out(“out.txt”); // out is now an ofstream that outputs to out.txt out << 5 << std::endl; // out.txt contains 5
std::cout is a global constant object that you get from #include
To use any other output stream, you must first initialize it!
Input streams¶
- Have type std::istream
- You can only receive strings using the >> operator
- Receives a string from the stream and converts it to data
- std::cin is the input stream that gets input from the console
- You can only receive strings using the >> operator
>> << operator¶
- “>>” is the stream extraction operator or simply extraction operator
- Used to extract data from a stream and place it into a variable
- “<<” is the stream insertion operator or insertion operator
- Used to insert data into a stream usually to output the data to a file, console, or string
is an input stream. It has type std::istream
How it works:
Clears contents in str
Extracts chars from is and stores them in str until:
End of file reached, sets EOF bit (checked using is.eof())
Next char in is is delim, extracts but does not store delim
str out of space, sets FAIL bit (checked using
If no chars extracted for any reason, FAIL bit set
In contrast,">>" only reads until it hits whitespace(so can't read a sentence in one go)
But ">>" can convert data to built-in types (like ints) while getline can only produce strings
And ">>" only stops reading at predefined whitespace while getline can stop reading at any delimiter you define
下一次cin才会把whitespace comsume掉
Input File Streams¶
std::cin is a global constant object that you get from #include iostream
A stream that can read from or write to a string object
Allows you to perform input/output operations on a string as if it were a stream
std::string input = "123";
std::stringstream stream(input);
int number;
stream >> number;
std::cout << number << std::endl; // Outputs "123"
If you only want to read OR write data:
Read only: std::istringstream
- Give any data type to the istringstream, it’ll store it as a string!
Write only: std::ostringstream
- Make an ostringstream out of a string, read from it word/type by word/type!
Follows same patterns as the other i/ostreams!
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
int main() {
std::ifstream file("data.txt");
std::string line;
int lineNum = 1;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
std::stringstream ss(line);
int a, b, c;
ss >> a >> b >> c;
std::cout << "The sum of the numbers on line " << lineNum << " is: " << a + b + c << std::endl;
return 0;
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